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22 April 2019
IRS with organophosphate, in addition to standard LLINs, provides additional protection against malaria transmission in Ghana, Mali, Mozambique, Zambia, and…
20 April 2019
The RBM Vector Control Working Group meeting was an ideal opportunity for NgenIRS to engage with country partners and other…
NgenIRS is a four year partnership (2016-2019), led by IVCC and funded by Unitaid, that includes the US President’s Malaria…
11 January 2019
IVCC has welcomed the WHO Pre-Qualification of Bayer’s Fludora™ Fusion, combining different modes of action, as another major step forward…
30 November 2018
NgenIRS partners with Ghana’s AGAMal programme to conduct analysis on new IRS product SumiShield® 50WG. In September 2018, members of…
19 November 2018
The 67th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Members of the NgenIRS project, along with…
27 October 2017
Sumitomo Chemical and IVCC are proud to announce that Sumishield® 50WG has been prequalified by the World Health Organization (WHO). …
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