IVCC at the 18th Annual Meeting of the Vector Control Working Group (VCWG)

IVCC is delighted to take part in the upcoming Annual Meeting of the Vector Control Working Group (VCWG) in Accra, Ghana, from 6th to 8th February.
To find out about the work of IVCC, its partnerships and its pipeline of innovative vector control solutions, visit the IVCC booth throughout the conference.
The IVCC-led New Nets Project (NNP) pilots new tools to strengthen the insecticide-treated net (ITN) market. At VCWG, there is a dedicated NNP side event where project partners* will present the results from the NNP pilot evaluations (Burkina Faso, Mozambique, Nigeria, and Rwanda) and discuss the comparative impact and cost-effectiveness of dual-AI ITNs in various malaria-endemic settings. The event will feature a concluding panel discussion where presenters and additional NNP partners will reflect on how things have changed since the start of the NNP (e.g., net market, evidence base, WHO PQ and guidance, and modelling projections), what the legacy of the NNP will be for future ITN campaigns and data collection, and where the larger malaria and vector control communities go from here.
New Nets Project Results and Future Considerations (8th February, 11:00 to 12:30 GMT, Ballroom 1 &2). For a full event description, agenda and list of speakers, download the detailed agenda for the side event. Lunch will be available.
There are other opportunities to hear about the NNP project and dual AI nets throughout VCWG:
Enhancing the Impact of Core Interventions, Monday 6th February
Durability testing of the bioefficacy of dual active ingredient ITNs, durability methods, and data from dual AI ITN monitoring (presented by Corine Ngufor, CREC, and Jackline Martin, KCMU/NIMR, 14:10 to 14:40, Session 1).
Physical and insecticidal durability of dual active ingredient and PBO ITNs: Results from 24-month surveys (presented by Medard Rukaari, UMU/ NMCP Uganda, 15:15 to 15:25, Session 2).
Sub-lethal exposure to chlorfenapyr kills Plasmodium parasites in surviving insecticide-resistant Anopheles mosquitoes (presented by Pie Muller, Swiss TPH, 17:18 to 17:26, Task Team 2, Session 4)
Estimating the malaria prevention impact of dual active ingredient insecticide-treated nets: Results from the New Nets Project pilot evaluations (presented by Joe Wagman, PATH, 17:26 to 17:39, Task Team 2, Session 4).
P014: Impact of next-generation dual-active ingredient long-lasting insecticidal net deployment in Tanzania on insecticide resistance in Anopheles funestus s.l. and Anopheles gambiae s.l. (Louisa Messenger, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA)
As well as the focus onNNP, there are other of opportunities to catch up with the work of the wider IVCC portfolio, including work on VECTRON™ T500, currently under assessment by WHO-PQT/VCP:
Oral Presentations:
Enhancing the Impact of Core Interventions, Monday 6th February
Task Team 2: Addressing biological threats; new insecticides for vector control (for IRS and ITNs)
Non-inferiority experimental hut and community (Phase III) cluster randomized indoor residual spraying evaluation trials of Vectron™ T500 against malaria vectors in Tanzania (presented by Njelembo Mbewe, LSHTM / KCMUCo, and Patrik Tungu, NIMR, Session 4, 17:05 to 17:18)
Expanding the Vector Control Toolbox, Tuesday 7th February
Task Team 2: Innovations in vector control and vector surveillance
Closing the Gap (presented by Jason Richardson, IVCC, Session 1, 08:05 to 08:20)
Task Team 3: Anthropology and human centred design (interface between vector control and human behaviour)
Over-spraying in IRS trials: a real or imagined problem for IRS assessment? (presented by Mark Rowland, LSHTM, 09:45 to 09:55).
P025: Crystalline insecticides and their presentation in VC products (Svetlana Ryazanskaya, IVCC).
Find out more about 18th VCWG annual meeting online, including the full conference programme, the event’s sponsors, and exhibitors.