IVCC’s External Scientific Advisory Committee (ESAC) looking for experts in entomology and in epidemiology

IVCC’s External Scientific Advisory Committee (ESAC) is looking for experts in entomology and in epidemiology.
This call is open to those with either:
- suitable qualifications/training and extensive experience in the entomological evaluation (laboratory and field trials) of vector control products (ITNs, IRS formulations or other products).
- suitable qualifications/training and extensive experience in the epidemiological evaluation of vector control products (ITNs, IRS formulations or other products).
The ESAC provides expert specialist technical assessments of IVCC’s portfolio of products, including project selection, transition, and termination. They provide advice to the IVCC management team during periodic reviews of the projects. Membership of the ESAC is through nomination of candidates with the required expertise.
For full details about this opportunity and how to apply, please download the appropriate supporting document.
Applications close on Friday 28th July 2023.