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30 September 2015
Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) have a substantial effect on mosquitoes, even if the contact is brief, according to a fascinating…
08 September 2015
Is it time to recognise that African scientists are the key to African challenges? Listening to some of the excellent…
20 August 2015
Sumitomo Chemical and IVCC have been working for the past 5 years to develop a new active ingredient with a…
27 April 2015
Possibly the most important malaria-transmitting mosquito in Africa is Anopheles gambiae, which likes to bite people indoors between dusk and dawn. This…
26 April 2015
As I discovered recently, while visiting Forde Abbey, a 12th century monastery in Dorset, the word about malaria seems to…
22 April 2015
Pesticide regulation. Two words, separately or together, that send shivers down the spines of those on the left and right…
03 February 2015
Sitting snugly in the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania sits the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College. Based at the…
02 February 2015
I was inspired today by learning about the indirect and somewhat hidden value creation of IVCC capacity building amongst African…
06 January 2015
IVCC will shortly be moving to new offices within the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM). The Wolfson Building is…
10 October 2014
IVCC is pleased to welcome Lois Rossi to its team. Lois was formerly Director of the Registration Division in the…
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