Scientists are united to end malaria in our lifetimes

Image credit: Derric Nimmo/IVCC/LITE
Along with our colleagues from Malaria No More UK, GSK, Jenner Institute and Medicines for Malaria Venture, IVCC is proud to have contributed to a letter in the New Statesman, which sets out how the UK can end malaria & help save millions of lives.
The piece highlights how maintaining momentum is a challenge in the face of a storm of competing global priorities and health challenges. But advances in game-changing new tools such as next-generation insecticide treated nets (ITNs) and malaria vaccines mean malaria can and will be consigned to the history books in our lifetimes .
For the greatest impact, interventions must be combined with other interventions as part of a toolbox approach. Dual active ingredient ITNs, for example, adapted to overcome mosquito resistance, have protected more than 60 million people and are one of a number of ways of reducing the impact of mosquitos themselves.
Read the full op-ed here: